Dhuni = Fire-place, to throw our evils in! مكاني براي انداختن اهريمن ها در آتش
دوني = آتش مقدسي که محل سوزاندن کيفيات اهريمني و شر است
هر دوازدهم برج ميلادي در اينجا مراسمي هست که افراد تکه چوب هايي را که روغن اندود شده در آتش (که همه چيز را پاک مي کند) مي اندازند و همزمان مراسم نيايش همراه با موسيقي زنده اجرا مي شود
اين آتش جز عشق نيست.
Dhuni, the fire ceremony,... every 12th of each month people stand in quque to throe small oiled wooden sticks, as the representative of their negative 'evil' qualities, into the FIRE, which purifies EVERYTHING. (That fire is NONE but LOVE)

اين آتش جز عشق نيست.
Dhuni, the fire ceremony,... every 12th of each month people stand in quque to throe small oiled wooden sticks, as the representative of their negative 'evil' qualities, into the FIRE, which purifies EVERYTHING. (That fire is NONE but LOVE)

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