Saturday, November 26, 2005

from Dalai Lama

سلام/ امروز بسیار جالب بود و زود گذشت/ شاید فردا در موردش بنویسم/ امشب این پیام را از لیستی که از عشاق بابا دریافت می کنم انتخاب کردم و اینجا می گذارم تا سرفرصت ترجمه کنم. گفتنی زیاد و وقت محدود..... تا بزودی... زنده باد بابا

Peace, today was wonderful... more than any other day.... will write more about it tomorrow.
for now, i selected this message from Dalai Lama, from a list i receive from Baba lovers,
which expresses my own situation here, and i AM grateful for it.
Thank you ALL those who love me and those who hate me,

Tonight at the party one 'baba-lover', a 'senior' too, told me very revealing thing:
that i am not even 'worth hating, only disliking'!!
Wow, i just had to tell him that it shows even a very deep hatred,
a 'coward' hatred of course, because conditioned mind feels guilty of
'hatred' and when it feels it VERY STRONGLY, it covers it up with
'sweet soft words', like 'disliking'!
( same feeling in different garb!)
The following from Dalaiji can be a good answer for these few 'poor souls', deprived of courage and compassion:, enjoy...... Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

"Now, there are many, many people in the
world, but relatively few with whom we interact,
and even fewer who cause us problems.
So, when you come across such a chance for
practicing patience and tolerance, you should

treat it with gratitude. It is rare. Just as
having unexpectedly found a treasure in your
own house, you should be happy and grateful
to your enemy for providing that precious

His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Happy Saturday = شنبه ی خوش با رعایت قانون آن

سلام/ یکی از دوستان میخواست بداند که چرا مقدار متن فارسی به اندازه ی انگلیسی نیست؟
بهتر است عرض کنم که نوشته ها و متن هایی که اینجا می آید بر دو نوع هستند: یکی نوشته های بنده و سایر عاشقان مهرباب__ می تواند به دو زبان باشدا، مثل همین نوشتار ! و دیگری گفتارهای مهربابا که بازهم به دو زبان خواهد بود در حد ماشین ترجمه ی بنده!
Peace, one of our new visitors asked why Farsi text is not as much as the English text (volumewize, he meant!) it is better to clear this point now that as the description of this blog says, it is a 'personal weblog', in two languages and the CONTENT is of two types: one type like this post, my own writings and also other 'Baba-lovers' (a VERY BROAD term, ranging from heaven to earth!) and the second type is Avatar Meher Baba's words of love and wisdom, which is again in its original English and Some persian translations, as much as my translation-machine permits!
So, there is NO fixed rule or any specific criteria for HOW MUCH English/Persian text appear in this blog. Just to keep a balance, i switch to the 'other' channel, and the best the readers can do is just to escape the 'other language' and read in their own tongue!
بنابراین، هیچ قاعده و قانون خاصی نیست که چقدر متن از فارسی باشد یا انگلیسی. فقط برای نگهداشت نوعی تعادل، بنده به فراخور حال، "کانال" را عوض می کنم و بهترین کاری که خوانندگان عزیز می توانند بکنند این است که خط دیگر را دنبال نکنند و به زبان مورد علاقه شان بخوانند./ ضمنا من حرف های خودم را دقیقاٌ ترجمه هم نمی کنم و فقط مفاهیم را به نوعی دیگر می رسانم.
Today was another wonderful day, starting at the Tomb!
Seeing new Irani-faces and others was indeed a good feeling.
Went for the light breakfast to PC and talked to a sister about his emotional load carrying it all the way back home, while he can drop it right here and become free from it!
If it was a @positive' load, i would NOT mind and he would not mind either! But the fact is that the 'load' is negative! That is the 'question'!
Why carry it with him?
So i hope he and his 'colleagues', or 'playmates' in this 'childish-hatish' game read these lines and go deeper into the REAL reason why they hate me?
it is VERY good for them and even if i act as a 'detergent' for their hearts, it is my blessing, but are they willing to use it or willing to 'dump' it, that is NOT my concern!
امروز یک روز با شکوه دیگر بود که در حین ترک خانه، با دمیدن خورشید نارنجی رنگ آغاز شد و هنوز هم ادامه دارد. آریا تازه وارد شده و من فعلاٌ این را پست می کنم تا بعد ادامه دهم...... will write more later, have some guests over now...

Friday, November 25, 2005

Law of Dharma قانون شنبه ها = بهر چه آمده ام؟

Saturday : Law of Dharma

Today, I will lovingly nurture the deepest core of my being:

My Soul.

I will pay attention to the Spirit within me:

the Energy that animates my Body and my Mind.

I will awaken myself to this Deep Stillness, within my heart.

I will carry the consciousness of Timeless, Eternal Being,

in the midst of Time-bound Experience.

I will make a list of my Unique Talents.

Then I will list all the things that I love to do while expressing my Unique Talents.

When I express my unique talents and use them in The Service of Humanity,

I lose track of time and create abundance in my life,
as well as in the lives of Others.

From today, every day, I ask myself :
”How Can I Serve?” / “How Can I Help?”

The answers to these questions will allow me to help &

serve my fellow Human Beings, with love.

Activities for the Seven days of the week

An essence from : “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success:

A Practical Guide to the Fulfilment of Your Dreams”

By Dr. Deepak Chopra

On 'detachment' from Baba =دین واقعی از دیدگاه مهربابا

All Mehr Baba 's words are copyrigh of AMBPPCT, Avatar Meher Baba perpetual publich charitable trust/ with heartly appreciation.Using the content of/linking to this site is free, with the mention of The Trust as the copy right holder.

True religion consist of developing that attitude of mind
that would ultimately results in seeing one infinite Existence prevailing throughout the universe, when one can live in the world and yet be not of it;
and at the same time, be in harmony with everyone and everything,
when one can attend to all worldly duties and affairs and yet feel completely detached to all results; when one can see the same divinity in art and science, and experience the highest consciousness and indivisible bliss in everyday life. (MMB 83-84)

happy Fridayصبر کافی و روشنایی آفتاب =

Just now, Saeed, 24, a new net-friend from Tehran, asked me
when was my 'hardest = toughest time' in my life, and i instantly relied
(by Yahoo messenger) 'six months ago, just before i came to Mehr Baba....
Wow, yes, those were the darkest moments of my life, just 'BEFORE THE DAWN'.
If i can only name ONE quality helping me to reach His Daman, it is the PATIENCE i have developed over the years, on this path of love.
Thanks to Baba and Mani and Mehera and ALL others who made this possible!
Jay Baba, be Happy and Worry Not, as our Beloved Baba says.....
سلام/ همین الان سعید از تهران از طریق یاهوپیامبر پرسید که سخت ترین دوران عمرم کی بوده است؟ بی درنگ برا یش نوشتم
"قبل از آمدنم پیش بابا= حدود 6-7 ماه پیش"" بله ...واقعاٌ مانند تاریکترین لحظات نیمه شب
و درست قبل از طلوع بود. و معمولاٌ هم چینین است.
و اگر یک کیفیت باشد که بتوانم آن را در رسیدن به آفتاب موثر بدانم،
همان صبر و شکیبایی است که بقدر کافی داشته ام
با تشکر از ناخدا و منیژه خواهر عزیزش و مهرای عزیز و سایر نزدیکان و عشاق بابا که این زندگی را اینگونه در اینجا و اینک محقق ساخته اند
شاد باشید... بزودی مقداری دیگر از بابا به فارسی ترجمه خواهم کرد و در اینجا خواهم آورد..

Law of the Day = قانون جمعه

Friday :Law of Renunciation

Today, I commit myself to detachment.

I will allow myself, and those around me the freedom to be as they are.

I will not rigidly impose my idea of “ How Things Should Be.”

I will not force solutions on problems,

Thereby creating new problems.

I will participate in everything with detached involvement.

Today, I will bring in “Uncertainty” as an essential ingredient of my experience.

In my willingness to accept Uncertainly, solutions will spontaneously emerge,

out of the problem, out of the confusion, disorder, and chaos.

The more uncertain things seem to be, the more secure I will feel,

because Uncertainty is my Path to Freedom.

Through the Wisdom of Uncertainty, I will find my Security.

Today, I will step into The Field of All Possibilities and Anticipate

the excitement that can occur, when I remain open to The Infinity of Choices.

When I step into The Field of All Possibilities,

I will experience all the Fun, Adventure, Magic, and Mystery of Life.

Activities for the Seven days of the week

An essence from : “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success:

A Practical Guide to the Fulfilment of Your Dreams”

By Dr. Deepak Chopra

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Happy Thursday Oh lovers, Law of Intention پنج شنبه روز قانون قصد و نیت بر عاشقان شاد باشد

Jay Baba
almost it is Friday, here, up The Hill
Have a wonderful day and here is the Law of the day

Thursday: Law of Intention

I will make a list of my Intentions and Desires.

I carry the list wherever I go.

I will look at it before going to my silence and meditation.

Every night, before I go to sleep, I look at it.

When I wake up from the sleep, I look at it again.

I will release this “List of Desires”
and surrender it to the Womb of Creation,

trusting that when things do not seem to go my way,
there is a reason,

and that the cosmic plan has designs for me,

much more than even those which I have conceived.

Today, I will remind myself to practice “Present Moment Awareness”

in all my actions.

Today, I will refuse to allow obstacles to consume and dissipate
the quality of my attention in the Present Moment.

I will accept the present as it is, and manifest the Future through my deepest,
most cherished intentions and desires.

Activities for the Seven days of the week

An essence from : “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success:

A Practical Guide to the Fulfilment of Your Dreams”

By Dr. Deepak Chopra

Law of Wednesday = Least Effort قانون چهارشنبه ها

Wednesday : Law of Least Effort

Today, I will practice acceptance.

I will accept people, situations, circumstances and events, as they occur.

I will know that this moment is as it should be,
because the whole universe is as it should be.

I will NOT struggle against the whole universe, by struggling against this moment.

My acceptance is total and compete.

I accept things as they are, this moment, NOT as I wish they were.

With such acceptance, I will take the responsibility for my situation and for all those events, I see as problems, I know that taking responsibility means
not blaming anyone or anything for my situation (and this includes myself.)

I also know that every problem is an opportunity in disguise, and this alertness to opportunities allows me to take this moment and transform it into a greater benefit.

Today, my awareness will remain established in defencelessness.

I will relinquish the need to defend my point of view.

I will feel no need to convince or persuade others to accept my point of view.

I will remain open to all points of view and
not be rigidly attached to any one of them.

An essence from : “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success:

A Practical Guide to the Fulfilment of Your Dreams”

By Dr. Deepak Chopra

Please save pasargad نجات پاسارگاد/ نامه به یونسکو

این را همینحالا دریافت کردم و برای آگاهی دوستان و اقدام می آورم. موفق باشیم

This i found now in my inbox and post it for now.

Jay Baba
Please save pasargad

LOtfan Pasargad raa nejaat dahid

Please copy and paste this letter and send to UNESCO


Fax:33-1-45 68 55 96

To: Mr. Koïchiro Matsuura,



Dear Sir,

Following the letter of International Committee to Save the Archeological Sites of the Pasargad Plains to you, dated 10/10/2005, and since you have ignored our request for acting to stop this horrendous act of cultural catastrophe, I would like to bring this case to your attention once again. The time is short. The dam will begin its operations at the beginning of February 200 6 and your active response to this situation is highly recommended and expected by all responsible members of the human society


Tuesday, November 22, 2005

How can i be 'in trouble', when Baba loves me and i love Baba?!

Jay Baba, This morning at arti, i saw them and felt like giving them the link to this blog, so they may read it and stop this 'childish game'! But, instead, my act of giving a piece of paper, IN SILENCE, to another 'Babalover', in a place where many other communications are allowed, was interpreted as 'self-promotion' and for that, i should be 'in trouble', as he 'warned' me this morning!! i asked him at breakfast that would he be happy if i am in trouble?!! and he could not answer and i asked him to think about it and answer later, any time.

Why some people want to hurt me, at Baba's place, based on their own minute and narrow minds? As Baba suggests in His prayers, it can only be out of 'selfishness' and 'hatred'..... these people are not aware that Baba had brought me here, trained and prepared for my specific 'missions' or 'jobs' = interpersonal communication and mass media. This post is the witness to it and if these less than 1% of the whole population, including the natives, have ANY objections, they can complain to Baba and ask Him to remove me from this earth!

These 'minorities are ALWAYS present, at any age in history, and as Beloved Baba says about them, i shall be thankful to them, because 'they make your work important', unconsciously!(not exact qouting)
So, i thank all of you, including those who hate me!
i love you anyway and see Baba in each one of you, even if you think that i am a hypocrit and had come here for 'something else' (your own menta projections.)

Thankfulness to Beloved Baba who made this possible.
in His love and service

Monday, November 21, 2005

Law of Karma and new clues!قانون سه شنبه ها و سرنخ تازه!

سلام... یکشنبه اتفاقات جالب زیادی افتاد و بحثی داشتم داغ با یکی از "آن ها".....برای همین نشد که چیزی بچسبانم.
از جمله اینکه وقتی شب برگشتم و مقداری در مورد اتفاق جالب روز یکشنبه نوشتم، برق اضطراری هم رفت و هیچگونه برق دیگری هم در کار نبود تا بشود چیزی را پست کرد/ پس زودتر خوابیدم و امروز هم از صبح بیرون بودم تا ده شب.... مقداری کار اداری و خرید داشتم در شهر که بایست می رفتم و برای سخنرانی عزیز خودم را رساندم. حالا هم نزدیک دوازده شب است و حس و حال نوشتن دیشب نیست و نقل ماجرا را می گذارم برای وقتی دیگر و قانون روز سه شنبه را می چسبانم و مرخص می شوم.... تا دیداری دوباره.....
peace... what a wonderful Sunday i had, finding some clues to the mystery of this 'childish' game, which is going on here. had a heated discussion with 'one of them',.. started writing about it when i got back home, but even the inverter was empty after a while, and no other power to send the post..... today was mostly in the city and came back for Bhauji's talk...... So will post the Law of Tuesday now and will write about the wonderful discussion, when i feel like it.
Be happy and Enjoy your Tuesday....

Tuesday: Law of Karma

Today, in each moment, I will witness the choices I make.

And in the mere witnessing of these choices,
I will bring them to my conscious awareness.

The best way to prepare for any moment in future,
is to be fully conscious in the present.

Whenever I make a choice, I ask myself two questions:

“what are the consequences of this choice that I am making?” &

“Will this choice bring fulfilment and happiness to me

and also to those who are affected by this choice?”

I will ask my heart for any guidance and am guided

by its messages of comfort or discomfort.

If the choice feels comfortable, I will plunge ahead with abandon,

If the choice feels uncomfortable, I will pause and see

the consequences of my action with my inner vision.

This guidance will enable me to make spontaneously correct choices

An essence from : “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success:

A Practical Guide to the Fulfilment of Your Dreams”

By Dr. Deepak Chopra