چه مهرآبادی است اینجاWhat a Mehrabad is here!!
عجب مکانی/ عجب مکانی.... دیدنی و بودنی و ماندنی!
هر روز که می گذرد از روز پیش جذاب تر و اسرارآمیزتر می شود. چگونه اینهمه انسان های اهل دل از سراسر دنیا به اینجا می آیند و خوش می گذرانند و با خوشی می مانند و با خوش یمی روند. مکانی برای خوش گذرانی از همه جهت (غیر از یک مورد) و اینجا بیشتر برای کسانی است که در دنیا و از آن یک جهت خوشی هایشان را کرده اند و اینک نوبت خوشی جان و روح است برایشان.... چه شریف مکانی است اینجا. شرافت یک سرزمین را کسانی که در آن زندگی می کنند می سازند یا نابود می کنند.
شرافت خاک مهرآباد به سبب قدیسانی بوده که از دیر باز در این مکان زندگی می کرده اند در ایالت ماهاراشترای هندوستان و بخصوص در این خطه ی بمبئی- پونا شیری- ساکوری -دره ی قدیسان -غارهای تاریخی آلورا و اجنتا-........
it is 10:30 pm Saturday and just about to close the day with the Law of Sunday... i still wonder about the quality and the type of people i meet everyday here. It is amazing... Dr. Gill was there at the Arti this morning, with his dautghter Huma: new faces for me and very familiar faces for the old-timers! Shining faces and full of love for all and devotion for Beloved Baba.....
spend some time with Tony at tea time (4-5 pm) and then we went to visit professor Hazra, in hostle D. He is a very lovely man of about 80+ who was Osho's classmate in Jabalpour. He told us some stories about Baba's Omni-science and how he tested it for 5 years and finally he gave up testing and was convinced of the fact. He came from a very athiest and anti science background and there, he was in argument with Osho, who was a man of meditation and silence.
We had such a great time and a few other Indian friends joined us and it was a blessing to be in this company. Tony wanted to film the 25 graves at the back of Mulla Baba shrine but was no time today and it goes for another day.
راستی اگر شما جای من بودید و وسایل شخصی خودتان را پیدا نمی کردید و پس از یک روز آن ها را در باغچه پیدا می کردید چه واکنشی نشان می دادید؟
Aha, about the 'peculiar' strange incident last night,.... as i expected, it was again the work of those who do not like me and pretend that they know Baba and love Baba!
This morning, i found the 4 bags INSIDE the bushes in the garden porch and it must have been put there between 8:15 - 9:00 am, since i checked the spot after 8:00 and it was NOT there.
فقط بخاطر ثبت در پرونده ی اعمالjust for the sake of records of deeds!
What would YOU do if you were in my place?!
Jay baba
till we meet again..... ...... Huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu